Sarah Jessica Parker on British food in NYC!

The ever-lovely, quintessential Manhattan gal Sarah Jessica Parker appeared on Jonathan Ross’s new talk show in Britain last week. She discussed the Royal wedding, declaring she watched the proceedings with a cup of PG Tips, a packet of chocolate McVities and a sausage roll.

As Ross went on to quiz her on British delicacies, we clutched our mugs of tea close to our chests and edged toward the side of our seats. As a loyal T&S customer, we felt our reputation was somewhat staked on SJP getting this right. We weren’t disappointed as she immediately declared “I know what that is!” pointing jubilantly to a scotch egg.

*^^Skip to 4 minutes 25 seconds for the juicy bits!^^

SJP went on to talk about a British restaurant in Manhattan run by a female chef. As we waited with baited breath for a name check, Jonathan demonstrated his reputation for being a big mouth with a tendency to drown out his guests. After a few replays though, it seems Sarah is in fact refering to April Bloomfield, the extremely talented and deserving chef over at The Spotted Pig on West 11th. Despite that, we’re pretty sure where she got those PG Tips and McVities from…

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